Leader in technology for

the contract catering market

For best experience choose your segment


Our proposal:

We do it,

We solve it

We offer customized solutions for each establishment at a low implementation cost. Using simple and intuitive dashboards, we streamline the availability of different solutions, such as digital menus and satisfaction surveys. These tools enable daily analysis of the main tasks and routines of your establishment, optimizing processes and maximizing revenues for restaurants and snack bars.

  • Vision
  • Our vision is to be the most customer-focused company on the planet
    We build products that people can access to discover any tool to support their business management
  • Mission
  • We:Digitek's mission is to become a benchmark.
    Our deliverables are at our heart: they must be guaranteed of quality and integrity!
  • Values
  • Proactivity
    We do whatever it takes to meet our customers' needs, ensuring that everything within our power is accomplished!
  • Quality
    A vision of empathy for everyone in the organization, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Innovation
    Always focused on innovation and delivering the best possible solutions to our customers.
  • Welcoming
    A vision of empathy for everyone in the organization, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Excellence in service
    We guarantee the highest level of service, ensuring that every client receives the resolution they need.
  • Objectivity
    We are micro pessimists, but macro optimists.

We are present in Latin America and Europe, with a team fully dedicated to bringing the best of innovation and technology to your business.

  • 2016
    We:Digitek founded
  • 2017
    100 restaurants
  • 2018
    Opening of
    Portugal branch
  • 2019
    Launch of the We:Food sales module
  • 2023
    Holding in Netherlands:
    Global Project
  • 2024
    Expansion of operations in Latin America
  • 2024
    Expansion of operations in America
Product Portfolio
wefood logo


  • Menu, satisfaction survey, reported events, meal reservation.


Instant Purchase, Take Away and Delivery

  • Integration with third-party restaurants, coffee break, loyalty program, 
Scan & Go, Wallet (companies and schools).

Interface with IOT Solutions*


  • Platform for accessing information for the operation of the facility units.
  • Purchase Making (Totem)
  • Wallet (companies and schools)
  • Satisfaction Survey
  • Meal Reservations
  • Platform that allows the sale of goods via computer, tablet, credit card machine or even cell phone.
  • Counting cameras (sensor)
  • Queue management (from cameras)
  • Seats Reservations (prisms on tables)
  • Automated access release via turnstile

*Interface with IOT Solutions

  • Corporate Communication
  • Queue control (TV calls)
  • Menu and audible menu option for the visually impaired
  • Totems, tablets, cell phones, MiniPC and others
Corporate Numbers
Market Validation


Sales by App/kiosks


Menu Queries


Meal Reservations


Service Reviews


We operate in

5 countries

We:Food is a set of tailor-made solutions developed by We:Digitek, so that Restaurants and Corporate Cafeterias work with an end-to-end technological system.

This sales module is an absolute success in the corporate meals market and is largely responsible for the company’s corporate numbers and validation.

Cases & Clients

“Our business at GRSA is to serve our customers with safe, quality food solutions that meet the needs of different industry sectors.

We:Digitek is our strategic partner for digital solutions that support the entire lifecycle of our services.

I highlight its profile of quality, agility and, above all, innovative ideas that help us to stand out in the market.”

Jorge Luis Cordenonsi
CIO Brazil and Latin America GRSA

“We:Food is a tool that allowed us to be closer to the needs of our customers, generating a difference in our foodservice.

We:Digitek has truly been an ally in developing technological tools of great value for the company.”

Catalina Arenas
Marketing Director Latam Sodexo

“We:Digitek is a strategic partner that supports Sodexo on the most different fronts related to technology.

The company’s national reach meets our need to standardize solutions for all our customers, in addition to the emphasis on serving our operations through a robust team that provides all the necessary support in more than 1,000 location units divided across all regions.”

Tomaz Peeters
Global Head of Brand Transformation Sodexo

“The partnership with We:Digitek matches our need to meet customer demands and delight them.

The reliability we have with the use of technology and access to different functionalities within the platform are fundamental requirements for us to continue working together.

In addition to the search for continuous improvement, which is also noticeable through the brand’s presence in the most diverse events in the segment, bringing even more authority to the solutions they have.”


Priscilla Souza de Jesus
Intelligence, Sales and Marketing Manager Exal

Data display

Data-Driven Platform

Dynamic and complete dashboard for evaluating your users’ behavior.

  • Automated Insights
  • Conversion Optmization
  • Segmentation
  • Predictive Analytics
Sales Overview

Monitor in detail the sales made of all your units, having access to the level of detail you want.

  • Actionable Insights
  • Unit performance monitoring
  • Automation in evaluating comments
  • Crossing between different data
Satisfaction survey

Filter data according to frequency, unit, level of satisfaction, comments, distribution of votes, among many other possibilities.

  • Data entry and management
  • Alert configuration
  • Comparison between unit locations
BackOffice Usability

It is possible to understand in detail the behavior of Backoffice use by Unit Managers, monitoring logins, menu edits and other actions over different periods.

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